T-minus 4 days

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ugh. I've got only 4 days left before the dreaded D-Day and I have a couple of dilemmas:
  • Supporting character names and background
  • Chapter outlines
I've been trying to squeeze in these little brainstorming activities in between work, and so far I was only able to come up with sketches for the female main character (FMC), 3 supporting characters and one of the male main characters (MMC). I know it's not enough to keep the story afloat until at least a quarter of the word count quota, and in case if no one hasn't noticed yet, yes I'm panicking!

I took a leave at work because I had to stay in the house to take care of my sick mom, and also to give myself some ample time to review for the teaching demo I have tomorrow (still got no topic to teach, gah! >_<). If you're thinking I've got a lot of time to make a mad rush before Saturday, hell no. But I'm giving it a shot.

I also downloaded a very useful noveling software, the Writer's Cafe. I'm still learning the ropes on how to navigate and make use of the different features, but it's already growing on me. Blame it on the fact that it's so compatible to the Asus eeePC. Good thing I had installed the software in Gavin (my baby eeePC) and I have a feeling it's going to be so useful around.

Anyway, I gotta end here for now. I still have a demo to think about, on top of flailing over my NaNo woes.



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